The food we eat has a significant impact on our bodies and health. Many people believe they are eating a 'healthy diet' however they still experience various digestive complaints and other health-related issues. Food choices, lifestyles and physical inactivity in the twenty-first century may strongly influence the development of a number of metabolic malfunctions and major non-communicable diseases, such as failings of the cardiovascular system, type 2 diabetes, and several types of cancer.

Did you know that eating plenty of fruits, although generally considered 'healthy' because they provide vitamins and fibre, can aggravate inflammatory conditions and provide varying levels of glucose, which, if not controlled, can result in a blood sugar imbalance? Even if a meal had all the fruits and vegetables, if high in carbohydrates but low in proteins and good fats it will not be "healthy" for many people. Not all fats are bad for us, as there are many that are recognized to be "essential" for life. Without adequate proteins, the body lacks the building blocks for cellular repair and renewal.

There are still so many misconceptions about ‘healthy diets’ and this is when basic Naturopathic Nutritional Advice could give us more clarity and confidence on this subject. The key to the problem revolves not around a ‘healthy diet’ but a balanced diet that suits you and your individual body.

Our lifestyles and dietary choices can be of best medicine, especially when it comes to prevention. Your everyday choices can significantly impact your health, help you reverse or reduce some of your present health issues, and lower your chances of developing chronic illnesses in the future. And this is where gaining more knowledge about nutrition might be helpful.

Naturopathic Nutritional Advice

Working with a Nutritional Advisor will help you unravel the puzzle of what you might be unintentionally doing wrong to point you on the right road to long-term health. The sessions' format is entirely tailored to your needs and might be focused on any common digestive issues you would want to investigate or it can look at a general evaluation of your current diet and lifestyle. Instead of prescribing you medications to suppress your current symptoms, the root cause of your issues will be examined to help you understand how your choices may be affecting your health. You will receive simple and easy-to-implement adjustments to your current diet and lifestyle to make it balanced and to provide you with all the necessary macro and micronutrients to battle the present symptoms you want to tackle. Dietary adjustments will be enjoyable and easy for you to follow as this is the main aim of Nutritional Advice.

However, the human body is a big connected system, so the Naturopathic Nutritional Advisor will also look and discuss with you other aspects outside nutrition that might be affecting your health, like environmental lifestyle or psychological factors.

The most important takeaway from Nutritional Advise sessions is to enrich you with knowledge about healthy dietary and lifestyle habits to help you take better choices to support your long-term health. These sessions are aimed to educate and share the knowledge that all of us could benefit from to remain as healthy as we can.

Below are examples of some typical subjects that might be addressed during Naturopathic Nutritional Advice sessions in addition to the general examination of your current diet and lifestyle:

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Indigestion

  • Reflux

  • Bloating

  • Constipation

  • Flatulence

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Blood Sugar Imbalance

  • Weight management

  • Hydration 

  • Water retention

  • Detoxification of the body